Turfgrass Research Field Day
Announcer: Farm and Family is a production of the Mississippi State University Extension Service.
Amy Myers: Today we're talking about the turf grass research field day. Hello, I'm Amy Myers, and welcome to Farm and Family. Today we're speaking with Dr. Jay McCurdy, Mississippi State University Turf Grass Extension Specialist and assistant professor. Jay, what is the turf grass research field day?
Jay McCurdy: The field day is a demonstration of much of the research that we've conducted over the previous seasons. This is an educational event for a number of different stakeholder groups, and all are invited, but particularly those who are turf or ornamental professionals.
Amy Myers: Okay, so tell me more about who comes to this turf grass research field day.
Jay McCurdy: County agents, lawn care professionals, golf course managers, sports field managers, coaches, school superintendents, all of those and more are certainly invited and welcomed. Homeowners are welcome, but the event is intended for industry professionals, and also for our county extension folks so that we can train them on best management practices for turf grass.
Amy Myers: What are the topics and application skills that folks can learn about an experience?
Jay McCurdy: We start off in the morning at 8:45AM with a welcome, and then we have rotating sessions that are 30 minutes long. At each of those sessions, we'll have presentations on educational subjects such as renovation through phrase mowing, program approaches to pest control, new herbicides for difficult to control weeds as well as dealing with surfactants and fertility for high-end turf scenarios. We have a vendor expo and demonstration of new equipment, and then we also have lunch provided by our gold sponsors. So we have a sponsorship package available for those who might be interested in sponsoring.
In the afternoon, we have some concurrent breakout sessions. One of those breakout sessions I'm in charge of, and that is sod growing and harvest characteristics. My graduate students, Nicolai [Men-ee-ev 00:02:03] and Amy Wilbur, are doing projects that deal with growing, enhancing growing of sod mainly targeting sod producers, but also these products enhance harvest characteristics. We also have a calibration station that afternoon. That is going to be presented by my colleague Barry Stewart as well as our extension associate, Michael Richard. That really is going to be a hands on educational event where folks learn how to calibrate backpack sprayers, fertilized spreaders, as well as large acreage sprayers, the type that we use in the kind of scenarios that we are maintaining on large turf or ornamental sites.
Amy Myers: Is there anything else you want to add about this event?
Jay McCurdy: So registration and other information about this event can be found on our website which is pss.msstate.edu/workshops/turf.
Amy Myers: Lunch will be provided at this event, right?
Jay McCurdy: Gold sponsors actually buy lunch for us. So it's a really good lunch. Typically we have ribs, chicken, all of the accoutrements that go along with it.
Amy Myers: Okay, and folks need to bring their sunscreen and bug spray and maybe even a folding chair since this will be outside.
Jay McCurdy: This is an outside event. It's August 20th, and it is always quite warm in August, as we know. The event is going to be outside and is going to be displaying our research in the field. So I advise folks to come prepared, stay hydrated, and do all the things necessary to take care of themselves on site.
Amy Myers: Yeah, bring your sunglasses and hats.
Jay McCurdy: That's right.
Amy Myers: Large hats and everything. When and where will the turf grass research field day be held?
Jay McCurdy: This even is August 20th. It's held at the Veteran's Memorial Rose Garden which is at the RR Foil Plant Science Research Center on highway 182. The address is 972 Hwy 182, and that is a Starkville, Mississippi, address.
Amy Myers: Okay, so that is in Starkville at the Veteran's Memorial Garden.
Jay McCurdy: That's correct.
Amy Myers: Okay. So can we also just Google turf grass research field day 2019?
Jay McCurdy: That'll find it, Amy. You can register online or on site.
Amy Myers: Thank you so much. Today we've been speaking with Dr. Jay McCurdy, Mississippi State University Turf Grass Extension Specialist and assistant professor. I'm Amy Myers, and this has been Farm and Family. Have a great day.
Announcer: Farm and Family is a production of the Mississippi State University Extension Service.