Other Sources of Information on Roses
- Jackson and Perkins Beautiful Roses Made Easy Southern Edition by Teri Dunn and Walter Reeves
- Simply Roses by Karen Dardick
- Landscaping with Antique Roses by Liz Druitt and G. Michael Shoup
- Antique Roses for the South by William C. Welch
- The American Garden Guides: Rose Gardening by Jim Browne
- Taylor’s Guide to Roses, Houghton Mifflin Company
- Ortho Books: All About Roses
- Landscape Roses by Black and Decker
- American Rose Society Encyclopedia of Roses by Charles Quest-Riston
- Roses in the Southern Garden by Michael G. Shoup
- American Rose Society Ultimate Rose, Editors, Beth Smiley and Ray Rogers
- www.amazon.com - rose book source
- www.ars.org - American Rose Society
- www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/consumer/factsheets/roses/roses.htm - North Carolina State University
- www.gardenconservancy.org - source for ordering Open Days Directory: The Guide to Visiting Hundreds of America’s Best Private Gardens
- www.helpmefind.com/sites.rrr.rosetest.html - entire site devoted to topics related to roses
- www.jacksonandperkins.com - Jackson and Perkins Roses
- www.rosemagazine.com - online rose magazine
- www.worldrose.org - website of the World Federation of Rose Societies
Publication Number: P4078
Publication Number: P3279
Publication Number: P3705
Publication Number: P3685
Publication Number: P3857
Filed Under: Flower Gardens
As we approach Valentine’s Day, you may be searching for the perfect gift for your plant-loving Valentine. I recommend you consider a Bleeding Heart vine celebrated for its beautiful flowers, which perfectly symbolize love and passion.
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If you have rose bushes in your landscape, now is the time for pruning! Heavy pruning needs to be done mid-February to mid-March while the plants are still dormant.
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Philodendrons are indoor plants that seem to tell their own story with unique colors, textures and shapes. I recently felt inspired by varieties that made me imagine how they could enhance different spaces in my home and garden.