Swine Facilities
Publication Number | Title | Filed Under | Date |
6223 | Circular Loading Pen for Swine | 04-14-14 | |
5993-B | Combination Farrowing & Nursing House, Gable Roof | 04-14-14 | |
5993-A | Combination Farrowing & Nursing House, Gable Roof | 04-14-14 | |
5757 | Concrete Hog Wallow | 04-14-14 | |
6320 | Convertible Farrowing Pen with Front Creep | 04-14-14 | |
6225-A | Eight Stall Expandable Farrowing House | 04-14-14 | |
5788 | Electric Pig Brooder | 04-14-14 | |
6135 | Farrow and Nursery Building for Swine | 04-14-14 | |
6290 | Farrowing & Feeder Pig Unit, Slatted Floor on Skids | 04-14-14 | |
5825-C | Farrowing & Nursery Units, Farrowing 10 Sows/Mo. | 04-14-14 | |
6157 | Farrowing - Farrowing to Finish | 04-14-14 | |
6243 | Farrowing Crate | 04-14-14 | |
5575-C | Farrowing House | 04-14-14 | |
5992 | Farrowing House | 04-14-14 | |
6026 | Farrowing House | 04-14-14 | |
6061 | Farrowing House | 04-14-14 | |
6115 | Farrowing House | 04-14-14 | |
6122 | Farrowing House | 04-14-14 | |
6239 | Farrowing House | 04-14-14 | |
5817 | Farrowing House | 04-14-14 |