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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Titlesort descending Filed Under Date
P2458 Assessing Needs and Feed Sources: How Much Forage Do I Have? Management - Forages 02-24-20
P2546 Bed Bugs and What to Do about Them Insects-Human Pests, Household Insects 05-10-23
P2564 Beef Bull Development Beef 01-13-25
P2578 Beef Calf Preconditioning Programs Beef 12-04-23
P2558 Beef Cattle Calving Management Beef 01-03-24
P2629 Beef Cattle Grazing Management Forages, Beef 01-08-25
P2528 Beef Cattle Nutrient Requirements Livestock, Beef 05-10-23
P2519 Beef Cattle Nutritional Disorders Animal Health, Beef 01-02-25
P2514 Beef Cattle Seedstock Marketing Beef 04-04-23
P2490 Beef Cattle Water Requirements and Source Management Beef 08-29-22
P2522 Beef Grades and Carcass Information Beef 02-13-24
P2508 Body Condition Scoring Beef Cattle Beef 10-24-24
P2004 Bottomland Hardwood Management Species/Site Relationships Forest Ecology, Forest Management 12-04-23
P2657 Breaking Down Soil Compaction: Does It Increase Forage Production? Forages, Soils, Soil Health 09-14-22
P2749 Broiler House Ventilation During Cold Weather Poultry 10-09-24
P2495 Calibrating Poultry Litter Spreading Equipment Farming, Poultry, Soils 01-30-23
P2501 Calving Season Selection Considerations Beef 07-26-21
P1542 Canning Fruits & Tomatoes 4-H Food Preservation Project Unit 3 4-H, Health and Wellness, Youth Projects, Food 10-28-22
P1540 Canning Vegetables: 4-H Food Preservation Project Unit 4 4-H, Food 01-22-24
P1012 Care & Selection of Indoor Plants Cut Flowers and Houseplants 09-27-22
