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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort descending
P1869 Managing Household Wastewater: An Environmental Self-Assessment for Homes with Private Wells Mississippi Well Owner Network 05-16-23
P3451 Hardwoods: What Is High-Grading? Forestry 05-16-23
P1431 Freezing Vegetables: 4-H Food Preservation Project Unit 2 4-H, Health and Wellness, Youth Projects, Food 05-19-23
P3064 Mississippi Coastal Cleanup Site Coordinator's Handbook Community, Environment 05-22-23
M1522 Mississippi 4-H Livestock Programs 4-H Livestock Program, Youth Livestock 05-23-23
P2836 Brix Level in Your Forage: What Does It Mean? Forages 05-23-23
M1959 Learning to Change Your Life About Extension, Family 05-25-23
P3321 Proper Earth Grounding in Mississippi Poultry Houses Can Prevent Lightning Damage Poultry, Environment 05-31-23
M2184 Junior Master Wellness Volunteers 4-H, Junior Master Wellness Volunteer 06-01-23
P3455-A-E EKOKIDS Scavenger Hunt Wildlife Youth Education, Natural Resources 06-01-23
P3082 Watersheds: Role, Importance, & Stewardship Community, Environment, Water, Mississippi Water Stewards 06-01-23
P2767 Chickens Do Not Receive Growth Hormones: So Why All the Confusion? Poultry 06-01-23
IS1998 Colorectal Cancer Health Message Health, Colon Cancer Screening 06-01-23
P2873 Herbicide Options for Hardwood Management Wood Products 06-01-23
P2834 Feedstuffs for Beef Cattle Forages, Beef 06-01-23
P2552 Marketing Feeder Calves Beef 06-01-23
P3456 Tips for Talking with Young Children about Illness Disaster Response, Children and Parenting, Family Dynamics 06-01-23
P3453 Holiday Food Safety Food, Food Safety 06-01-23
P3046 Food Safety at Barbecues and Picnics Food Safety 06-01-23
M2349 Minimizing Risk when Operating a Farmers Market Local Flavor, Farmers Markets, Coronavirus 06-01-23
