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Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort descending
P1288 Leadership-Committees Leadership 08-13-19
P0711 Looking at Leadership Leadership 08-13-19
IS1951 Prepare Poultry Houses for Cooler Weather Poultry 08-20-19
IS1952 Maintenance Critical to Backup Generator Reliability Poultry, Disaster Preparedness 08-20-19
P3367 The Asian Longhorned Tick: A New Invasive Tick Species in the Eastern U.S. Insects-Human Pests, Insects-Pet Pests, Pests 09-20-19
IS1697 Children Need Help Coping with Disaster Disaster Response-Youth, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Response, Children and Parenting 10-02-19
P3398 Disinfecting a Water Well through Shock Chlorination Community, Disaster Response, Water Quality 10-16-19
P3399 Ready Your Well for the Next Flood: Preparation, Evacuation, and Return Home Disaster Preparedness, Water Quality 10-18-19
P1957 Starting a Greenhouse Business Agricultural Economics, Agri-business 10-21-19
P3391 Living Shoreline Questionnaire for Property Owners Natural Resources, Environment 10-21-19
P3388 Coordination and Crop Planning in Local Food Systems: Considerations for Local Aggregators, Coordinators, and Distributors Local Food System Economies 10-21-19
P2772 Experiments In Food Science Laboratory Manual, Volume 2 Food Safety 10-22-19
P2732 Protect Your Pine Plantation Investment by Thinning Forestry 10-23-19
P3390 Sources of Food Loss and Waste in the Mississippi-Grown Sweetpotato Supply Chain Sweet Potatoes, Vegetable Gardens 10-28-19
P2526 Mississippi Livestock Quality Assurance Program for Youth Producers 4-H Livestock Program, Youth Livestock 11-05-19
P1277 4-H Member's Handbook 4-H 11-12-19
P2574 Hydrangeas For Mississippi Gardens Flower Gardens, Landscape and Garden Design 11-12-19
IS1950 Why the Rapid Growth Rate in Today's Chickens? Poultry 11-14-19
P3346 Control Cockroaches In and Around Your Home Insects, Household Insects, Pests 12-09-19
P3403 Disposal of Agricultural Waste Pesticides in Mississippi Agricultural Engineering 12-12-19
