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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Numbersort descending Title Filed Under Date
E0041 One To Grow On, A Garden-Based Learning Program for Preschoolers Children and Parenting 11-06-14
E0042 One To Grow On - Fruits Children and Parenting 11-06-14
E0043 One To Grow On - Veggies Children and Parenting 11-06-14
E0044 One To Grow On - Generic Children and Parenting 11-06-14
F1142 Insect Identification Form Insect Identification 01-06-25
F1181 4-H Volunteer Application Packet 4-H, Volunteers 11-22-24
F1187 4-H Shooting Sports Emergency Plan 4-H, 4-H Safety Programs, 4-H Shooting Sports 11-12-24
F1197 4-H Youth Development Shooting Sports Event Youth Entry Form 4-H Shooting Sports 01-17-25
IS0204 Pruning Landscape Plants Flower Gardens, Landscape Architecture, Trees 01-15-19
IS0372 Soil pH and Fertilizers Soils, Soil Testing 01-15-19
IS0642 Identifying Poison Ivy Lawn and Garden, Plants and Wildlife, Wildlife 09-18-24
IS0643 Wood Ducks In Mississippi Wildlife, Waterfowl 02-11-19
IS0776 Meal Planning: Better Planning, Better Meals Food, Health, Nutrition 08-19-24
IS1132 Political Process and Local Government Administration City and County Government 03-01-23
IS1133 Local Governments and Their Services City and County Government 03-10-20
IS1345 MS Corn for Silage Hybrid Trials, 2005 Corn 11-30-15
IS1346 MS Corn for Silage Hybrid Trials, 2006 Corn 11-30-15
IS1358 Installation and Construction of Rice Flood Depth Gauges Rice 09-23-15
IS1401 Stress Management Health 06-11-24
IS1407 Leadership - Secretary of an Organization Leadership, Mississippi Homemaker Volunteers 09-29-23
