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Publication Number Titlesort ascending Filed Under Date
P1532 Weed Control Guidelines for Mississippi Weed Control for Crops, Weed Control for Forages, Weed Control for Lawn and Garden 04-06-23
P2742 Water-Related Factors in Broiler Production Poultry 06-21-22
P2754 Water Quality Critical to Broiler Performance Poultry 11-01-24
P2663 Vermicomposting for the Mississippi Gardener Soils, Flower Gardens, Vegetable Gardens 05-17-24
P2427 Using Antler Restrictions to Manage for Older-aged Bucks White-Tailed Deer 05-08-23
P2678 Urea-Based Fertilizers in Forage Production Forages, Fertilizers - Forages, Soil Fertility 12-09-24
P2503 Understanding the Ruminant Animal Digestive System Beef, Goats and Sheep 09-04-24
P2729 Understanding Pruning and Injury Wounds in Fruit Trees Trees 09-29-22
P2577 Understanding and Managing Cattle Shrink Beef 12-04-23
P2509 Ultrasound Scanning Beef Cattle for Body Composition Beef 07-20-22
P2609 Trichomoniasis in Beef Cattle Agriculture, Livestock, Animal Health, Beef 11-27-23
P2683 Tornado and Straight-Line Wind Damage to Hardwood Stands: Frequently Asked Management Questions Disaster Response, Forestry 01-28-21
P2234 The Significance of Mississippi 4-H S.A.F.E.T.Y. Workshops for Volunteer Leaders and County Programs 4-H Shooting Sports, Volunteers 04-14-20
P2384 The Plant Doctor: Take-All Disease of Turfgrasses Plant Diseases, Turfgrass and Lawn Management 05-06-22
P2616 The Estrous Cycle of Cattle Livestock, Animal Health, Beef 06-23-23
P1152 The Complete Guide to Home Canning Food, Health 03-26-24
P2212 Swine Showmanship 4-H Livestock Program, Youth Livestock, Swine 01-30-24
P2111 Supplemental Wildlife Food Planting Manual for the Southeast Northern Bobwhite Quail, Waterfowl, White-Tailed Deer, Wildlife Economics and Enterprises 06-20-19
P2233 Streamside Management Zones and Forest Landowners Forest Management 04-06-23
P2497 Strategies for Better Management of Pasture Fertilization Forages, Soil Fertility, Soil Testing 11-12-20
