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Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort descending
P3226 Cut Ornamental Floral Design Materials for South Mississippi Crops, Farming, Specialty Crop Production, Community, Cut Flowers and Houseplants, Floral Design 07-09-24
P3960 Mississippi 4-H Canoe and Kayak Club Curriculum 4-H 07-10-24
P2037 Fertigation: The Basics of Injecting Fertilizer for Field-Grown Tomatoes Crops, Tomato Pepper and Eggplant 07-10-24
P2369 Insect Pests of Ornamental Plants in the Home Landscape Insects, Lawn and Garden, Ornamental Plants 07-11-24
P3672 Virginia Buttonweed Control Weed Control for Forages, Turfgrass and Lawn Management 07-12-24
P2652 Insect Pests of Houseplants Cut Flowers and Houseplants, Ornamental Plants, Pests 07-15-24
P1567 4-H Horticulture Handbook 4-H, Youth Gardening 07-16-24
P4011 Elevating Extension Educational Program Impact Program and Staff Development 07-19-24
P3581 Mite Control in Dry-Cured Ham Aging Facilities Food Safety 07-22-24
P2469 Experiments in Food Science Laboratory Manual Youth Projects 07-22-24
M1562 How to Collect and Package Plant Disease Specimens for Diagnosis Plant Diseases 07-22-24
P3577 Nutrition and Wellness: All about Air Fryers Nutrition and Wellness 07-23-24
P3225 County Elected Officials - County Court Judge City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 07-23-24
M2463 Underwater Invaders: Lionfish in the Gulf of Mexico Marine Resources 07-24-24
P3220 County Elected Officials - County Constable City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 07-24-24
P3223 County Elected Officials - Chancery Clerk City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 07-24-24
P2778 Prepare Broiler Houses for Summer Weather Poultry 07-25-24
IS1632 What You Should Know About Diabetes Health 07-29-24
P2753 Farmers, Chickens, and West Nile Virus Poultry 07-30-24
P2764 Maintaining Compliance with Mississippi's Dry Litter Poultry General Permit Poultry 07-30-24
