Landscape Checklist for February

Plant cold weather annuals, including pansies (Photo by Canva).
The weather has been brutal lately. Cold and dreary one day, warm the next. Nevertheless, signs of spring are starting to pop up. Yellow daffodils have already started to bloom, providing everyone with a reminder that the cold weather will soon be moving out of the area. Until then, bundle up! There’s work to be done in February:
- If you live in south Mississippi, you can start fertilizing your trees and shrubs toward the end of the month. If you’re unsure of what fertilizer to use, get a soil sample test done! It will provide specific recommendations for your soil. You can also use a slow-release, complete fertilizer. You do not want to fertilize spring-flowering shrubs during this time.
- Plant cold weather annuals, including pansies, snapdragons. Choosing flowers to plant in your yard can be quite intimidating since there are several options. If you can’t decide, you can find recommendations for reliable flower varieties for Mississippi, along with planting design suggestions and care information in Extension Publication 1826, “Annual and Perennial Flowers for Mississippi Gardens!”
- Now is a great time to prune evergreen shrubs and bushes. Extension Information Sheet 0204, “Pruning Landscape Plants,” is a great resource to help you understand basic pruning techniques!
- Pruning your rose bushes is a winter chore you don’t want to overlook this month! It helps them keep their shape, gets rid of any damaged canes, and encourages new growth. Our blog post on how to prune roses will give you all the information you need on how to prune. There’s even an instructional video for you to watch!
- You can plant dormant trees and shrubs during winter months. Container, bare-root, and ball-and-burlap plants are available to purchase this time of year. Planting trees and shrubs is not as intimidating as it seems. Here’s a quick tutorial on proper planting. Remember to make sure the root ball is always even with the ground!
Remember to always keep your eye on the weather for unexpected cold snaps. Bring in any tender plants or cover them to protect them in freezing temps.
You can find the full yearly gardening task list in Extension Publication 3437, “Calendar of Home Gardening Chores in Mississippi.”
Have fun this year as you work in the lawn and garden! Your neighbors will notice your hard work!
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