Road Safety during Harvest Season

Slow down, be observant, and give farm equipment some space on the road during harvest season (Photo by MSU Extension)
It’s harvest season, and you’re likely to see large farm equipment on the roads, whether that be bright green combines, red tractors, or anything in between. If you live in farming areas, you’re used to this. You’ve probably been late because you got behind farm equipment!
In Mississippi, it is legal for farmers to drive on the roadway. You will likely see them on the roads first thing in the morning as they prepare for a full day of harvesting. Once the job is completed, they’ll travel to another field.
It’s important to share the road with equipment during this busy time of year. Don’t tailgate. Instead, give it some space.
Several Mississippi roads are quite narrow, so be extra cautious and aware when driving. If driving on four-lane highways, don’t pass the vehicle at high speeds. Be sure to slow down to pass safely. Most accidents happen when a driver is not paying careful attention to the road and collides with slow-moving farm machinery from behind.
These equipment vehicles are so big they block the view of oncoming traffic. Farm equipment should move to the shoulder to allow traffic pass. You don’t want to be caught in a situation where you’re trying to pass and there’s oncoming traffic in the other lane.
The slow pace of farm equipment doesn’t correlate with the fast-paced life we live in. Safety is always more important than getting somewhere at a certain time. Slow down, be observant, and give farm equipment some space on the road! Your family and farmers will thank you for it!
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