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The bold, vibrant colors of the Magilla Perilla will add a tropical flair to any style garden.
July 7, 2003 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

Wherever I've gone this summer -- the Atlanta Botanical Garden, Park Seed Trials in South Carolina, even the landscape at North Park Mall in Jackson -- the Magilla Perilla has performed wonderfully.

Magilla Perilla became famous before gardeners even got a chance to try it. It is the plant that has shoppers everywhere counting the days until it is available at local garden centers.

These Red Abyssinian bananas were growing outside of the First Baptist Church in Magee and demonstrate how to make a dramatic landscape impact.
June 30, 2003 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

It seems the gardening public has finally discovered the most beautiful banana in the world, the Red Abyssinian. This banana is not the least bit cold-hardy, but who cares when it grows like a rocket and makes a landscape statement from spring until the first frost in the fall?

The Red Abyssinian is known botanically as Ensete ventricosum Maurelii. Most of the bananas we grow are of the genus Musa.

Umbrella palm
June 23, 2003 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

The past couple of weeks have seen my woodland trails look like small, flowing tributaries of the Mississippi River. My dry creek has been flowing, and rain is still in the forecast.

What kind of plant can tolerate such wet conditions? I am so glad you asked because one of the most elegant and striking plants for boggy conditions or upland soil is the umbrella palm.

The Blue Glory offers the perfect complement for the Sunny Orange Wonder black-eyed Susan vine.
June 16, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

A new vine in town this spring could change our landscape habits for a long time. The vine is called Blue Glory, known botanically as Thunbergia battiscombei.

We know thunbergias from the clock vine or black-eyed Susan vine Thunbergia alata and, of course, the Brazilian sky flower Thunbergia grandiflora.

The Ruby Star features pointed petals and maintains its red color well .
June 9, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

Many gardeners want plants that will bloom all summer and right up until fall. The first option always seems to be New Gold lantana. Believe it or not, there is a tropical vine that will bloom until the first freeze as well. It is called Brazilian Jasmine, or Mandevilla.

Indian Summer is a gorgeous annual that reaches 42 inches in height and produces its heart out with large, softball-size blooms.
June 2, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

As you drive down Mississippi's highways and by-ways, don't lament that we don't fare well with blue bonnets, because this year our own wild phlox, coreopsis, Queen Anne's lace and Indian Pinks have been as pretty as a painting.

Another of my favorite wildflowers -- the black-eyed Susan -- is just starting to advertise its landscape attributes to all who pass by. Their roadside performance should be a clear signal they will work just as well in our yards.

Mass plant the celosia in a variety of colors for a dazzling display.
May 26, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

At a garden center recently, I saw one of the best buys in flowers just waiting for a good home. This plant was offered in feathery plumes, cockscombs or flowers resembling wheatears. You guessed it -- it was the celosia.

Originating in the tropics, the celosia produces flowers from summer through fall. Its ability to withstand drought and extremely hot temperatures should win it a Mississippi Medallion Award, a Georgia Gold Medal and every other honor in the South.

Four sun coleuses in variations of red from maroon to burgundy have been recognized as award winners in the South. For its true potential, mass plant at least seven in a large, informal drift.
May 19, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

Who knows why I remember the Brylcream slogan, "A little dab'll do ya," or what the connection is in my mind to coleus? I'm thinking that a little dab of coleus may do, but the bigger the dab, the better.

Purple oxalis has character and charm for a shady spot in the landscape. It features large, triangular leaves of deep purple, and its nearly one-inch flowers range in color from pink to lilac.
May 12, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

Visitors fell in love with a previously loathed plant in a shade garden on the Gardens of Madison County tour.

While some gardeners think of oxalis as a tough plant to kill or eradicate, they also should consider the beauty of the purple oxalis. Purple oxalis has large, triangular leaves of deep purple. Its nearly 1-inch flowers range in color from pink to lilac.

The tall Angel Face angelonia combines wonderfully with other flowers like these purple ageratums and white osteospermum.
April 28, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

If I had to list the best flower introductions of the last 10 years, I might have to put angelonias at the top. It seems like it was only yesterday when I saw my first ones in the median of downtown Raymond. Then there was the introduction of Hilo Princess, a Florida Plant of the Year, and a few obscure varieties.

Any bird would love a home decorated with the Giant White moonflower.
April 21, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

If you are one who enjoys taking in the sights and smells of a Southern garden after-hours, consider one of the most spectacular vines available, the moonflower.

The moonflower is related to the morning glory and originates from tropical America. It is the kind of plant that makes memories for your children. It is an heirloom, or antique, vine grown in the South that all children, and adults for that matter, need to experience.

The perfect combination for a patriotic garden are White Christmas caladiums, Vista Red salvia and Summer Wave blue torenia.
April 14, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

Americans have been showing their colors a lot since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the current conflict is motivating even more. Flowers can be part of the waving of the red, white and blue.

Early Sunrise coreopsis combines wonderfully with the pristine, white flowers of the ox-eye daisy.
April 7, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

Sitting at your local garden center just waiting for adoption is one of the most easily grown perennials, the Early Sunrise coreopsis. Known botanically as Coreopsis grandiflora, it is native to North America and offers brilliant golden-yellow flowers borne on 2-foot-long stems all summer. If that isn't enough, the Early Sunrise will return to your garden next year.

Costa Rica Blue salvia
March 31, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

Costa Rica Blue salvia and Sonset lantana are two outstanding performers chosen as 2003 Mississippi Medallion winners by the state Plant Selections Committee. They may be classified as hummingbird champions.

Edward Gaucher abelia is a 2003 Mississippi Medallion winner for its ability to thrive in the Hospitality State. This low-maintenance plant will yield months of blooms to delight hummingbirds, butterflies and people.
March 24, 2003 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

Autumn Blaze maple and Edward Goucher abelia are two outstanding performers chosen as 2003 Mississippi Medallion winners by the state Plant Selections Committee.

If you want a large, fast-growing tree with spectacular fall color, choose the Autumn Blaze maple. A hybrid of the native red maple and the silver maple, Autumn Blaze combines the best features of both. It has the vigor of the silver maple and the beauty, strength and heat tolerance of the red maple.

The bright blue blossoms of the ajuga stand tall and colorful in combination with these pink Babylon verbenas.
March 17, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

At one of the entrances to Northpark Mall in Jackson, a recently planted flower bed reveals wonders about a plant most people take for granted. The bed contains a fairly new variety of ajuga called Mahogany, which is known for its dark purple leaves and bright blue flowers.

Ajuga is quite versatile: In this bed, it was planted in combination with Butterfly Blue scabiosa, a recent perennial plant of the year, making for a very showy display.

The Japanese iris
March 10, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

The past few years have given me a new appreciation for the various iris species available to Southern gardeners. With careful selection, we can enjoy a long season of iris blooms.

Everyone ought to consider the Japanese iris, known botanically as Iris ensata. It complements the Louisiana and Siberian irises with toughness, beauty and blooms that are born in glorious summer displays after the other irises have finished. They flourish from zones 4 to 9.

The glistening white flowers of the perennial phlox David offers fragrance as well as beauty for an extended season.
March 3, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

Since gardening season is almost here, I feel compelled to remind you of a wonderful and honored plant that you might not have tried: the perennial phlox known as David.

This striking, colorful mixed container includes Mexican feather grass, Superbena Dark Blue and Superbells Yellow calibrachoa.
February 24, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

Superbena is sure to be hot this year, so get ready to look for this new verbena at a local garden center while supplies last.

Superbena certainly does look to be super and even monolithic in size by verbena standards, but gee, how about a better name? Obviously Proven Winners knows how to produce good plants and make a fortune without me, so I'll stop whining.

The ruffled, amber-gold foliage of Amber Waves deserves a place in partially shaded gardens, even if its rose-shaped flowers never appeared.
February 17, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

I predict Amber Waves, a new heuchera, will be one of the most sought-after plants this spring.

When I saw Amber Waves in trials last year, I figured it would take a couple of years to get to our state, but I just saw it at a Mississippi greenhouse complex. Our gardeners are fortunate to have such progressive growers as those in the Mississippi Nursery and Landscape Association.


Southern Gardening Archive