January - Weird Safety
Weird Safety
January 2006
Over the past years, we’ve all stumbled or learned from others, some odd safety tips that as –“off-the – wall,“ as they may seem, will work. You may be familiar with some and others may be new to you, but all may prove helpful.
Rake Leaves, not nerves-
Wrap foam rubber on the handles of rakes, it makes the grip thicker, easier to grip and reduces the stress while you’re raking. It works on a hoe and other tools as well.
Pump Up the Tires-
A common misconception is that lowering air pressure in snow and “hot weather” will improve traction. The opposite is true, under-inflated tires are more likely to blow out, cause hydroplaning and come off the rims. It is recommended that we should keep our tires inflated to the maximum according to the manufacturer’s instruction for safer driving and longer tread wear.
Paint It Bright-
This tip is one that was relayed to me, but I don’t think that our ladies would allow it to happen, at least not in my home. With fluorescent paint, if you spray a small area around keyholes, it makes inserting keys in the dark easier. Also, spray a little on stairs or house numbers for easier access. I can assure you that this probably would meet with gross disapproval with the ladies. Fluorescent paint can be advantageous by spraying an area around dark, driveway entrances for easier location. Fluorescent tape can be used in the same way.
Stop Motion Sickness-
In the early stages of motion sickness, excess saliva is produced, which drains down into the stomach causing slight nausea. If this is a problem, before exposure to situations that will put you into the chance of motion sickness, eat olives (they produce tannins) or crackers.
Baste Before Roasting-
Anytime that you’re going out in the sun and will be applying sunscreen, do it at least 15 minutes prior to going outside. It gives the cream time to be absorbed into the skin, thus making the lotion or cream more effective.
Don’t Trust Everything in the Drug Store-
It isn’t uncommon for us to think that because we buy over-the-counter drugs, they are totally safe. This doesn’t necessarily hold true in all cases. Using a product over an extensive period of time can be dangerous. We should consult with our doctors before using pain relievers, nasal decongestants, “cold “ and cough cures, as well as laxatives for an extended periods.
Bee Nice
If a yellow jacket stings you, don’t smash it, especially if there’s a nest close by. A yellow jackets’ venom sac releases a chemical that incites other yellow jackets to attack
Keep the Baby from the Bathwater-
Young children should not be allowed to run their own bathwater. Not only is the risk of a scald present, but an even more serious or critical injury possible, if they step into the hot water and slip down because they panic. I know of a case where a lady stepped into a hot tub without checking the water. The thermostat wasn’t working and she panicked, slipped and received 1st degree burns over the lower part of her body.
Avoid Road Rouge-
Please don’t apply makeup while driving.
Excerpts: safetyexchange.org 10/10/2005
Ted Gordon is the Risk Management/Loss Control Manager for the Mississippi State University Extension Service and the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. His office is located in the North Mississippi Research and Extension Center, in Verona, MS. His telephone number is 662-566-2201.