Gloworm 1
Related News
August 24, 2006
August 3, 2006
March 30, 2006
March 9, 2006
June 9, 2005
23 April 1998
Volume 6: no. 1
Spring has flown by and I have been negligent in getting a newsletter published before now, but time really flies when you are having fun! It seems that everybody wants to begin a `butterfly garden' this spring, including me! There have been at least 3 to 7 butterfly garden workshops every month since the beginning of the year. That's great, let's get everybody on the butterfly garden train. This will be a short letter without a lot of new information, but I wanted to get one out to let you know that we were still active and that there are some things happening. A number of counties in Mississippi are currently organizing and training 4-H Linnaean Teams for competition at the annual early summer 4-H events. We have a new manual coming out which will be used in our project work. It's patterned after the Colorado manual and is a really good resource for use in all of our 4-H work.
It's almost time for camp! I'm beginning to get excited about it and hope that you are too! Many of you are thinking about getting out for summer vacation, you may not have given camp much thought, but it will be here before you know it. If you have not returned the registration form, but plan to join us at camp this year, please do so ASAP. I must have forms in by May 15 at the very latest!!! In order for you to get a T-shirt and be assured of your correct size - earlier is more important than later. Adults who are planning to attend, including AGENTS and COUNSELORS should also send me a registration form, so we will know how many to prepare for.
We are planning to do another Olympics with the MSU Entomology Club this year and have some other `new ideas' to present to campers. We also anticipate some new first time campers from other states. Dr. Collison will have bees for you to work and I'm sure that Dr. Goddard will be able to find a `chigger' to show off. He may even get a picture or two of some of you (just-a-scratching) for his next book. We also plan to have the Dunns from the Young Entomologists' Society with us, again.
Remember get your registration form in today. Get your 4-H physical for camp. We'll send you a packet of forms and instructions around May 1 or as soon as you send us your registration. We already have more than 20 campers on the list and will definitely have to cut-off registration on May 15 this year.
I have enclosed a registration form with this Gloworm.
Thanks for all the support
and always remember:
the prettiest moths fly while we sleep,
the biggest butterflies fly too high to sweep
and the stag beetles climb trees that are too steep!
But perseverance brings its rewards with many catches we can
Happy Bugging!
Dr. Michael R. Williams
Entomology & Plant Pathology
Box 9775
Mississippi State, MS 39762-9775
phone - 601-325-2085
home - 601-323-5699
FAX - 601-325-8837