Pest and Disease Control
Choose insect and disease resistant varieties when possible. Keep the garden clean, neat, and weed-free, and be alert for early signs of trouble to reduce the need for pesticides. To prevent the spread of leaf diseases, water in the morning or early enough in the evening so foliage has time to dry before dark. Soapy water or insecticidal soap will control many insect pests. Read all label directions before buying or using any pesticide, and follow all precautions.
As we approach Valentine’s Day, you may be searching for the perfect gift for your plant-loving Valentine. I recommend you consider a Bleeding Heart vine celebrated for its beautiful flowers, which perfectly symbolize love and passion.
If you have rose bushes in your landscape, now is the time for pruning! Heavy pruning needs to be done mid-February to mid-March while the plants are still dormant.
Philodendrons are indoor plants that seem to tell their own story with unique colors, textures and shapes. I recently felt inspired by varieties that made me imagine how they could enhance different spaces in my home and garden.