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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Titlesort ascending Filed Under Date
P3833 Estimating the Economic Impact of Tourism Events Economic Development 12-09-22
P3431 Estimating Dry Hay Value Agricultural Economics, Forages, Livestock 04-04-23
P3935 Estimating Corn Yield before Harvest Corn 08-21-23
P2779 Estimating Cattle Age Using Dentition Beef 09-01-22
P3416 Establishing a Hunting Lease on Your Land: Legal Considerations for Wildlife-Related Recreation Natural Resources, Wildlife 02-23-23
P3410 Establishing a Home Fruit Orchard Fruit, Lawn and Garden, Landscape and Garden Design 12-16-19
P3716-185 Escatawpa Census Profile (2010-2020) Economic Development 10-20-21
P3646 Equine Joint Supplementation: Does It Really Work? 4-H, Agriculture, Livestock, Equine 10-31-24
P4069 Environmental Enrichment for Dairy Cattle: Music Livestock, Dairy 12-11-24
P4065 Environmental Enrichment for Dairy Cattle: Hair Brushing Dairy 12-09-24
P3368 Environmental Control for Greenhouse-Grown Sweetpotato Slips Sweet Potatoes 11-08-22
8220 Entry Gate Landscape Resources 01-23-17
P2944-85 Enterprise Retail Sales Profile Economic Development 03-29-21
P2945‐85 Enterprise Retail Analysis Economic Development 03-29-21
P3480-164 Enterprise COVID 19 Sales Subject to Sales Tax Analysis Economic Development 03-30-21
P3716-184 Enterprise Census Profile (2010-2020) Economic Development 10-20-21
P3335 English Ivy Livestock, Invasive Plants 05-22-19
P2785 Energy Efficient Homes: Air Conditioning Housing and Homebuyer, Healthy Homes Initiative 08-07-23
IS1618 Energy Conservation for Greenhouse Growers Agricultural Economics 03-06-19
P3544 Emergency Action Plans for Food Businesses Disaster Preparedness 04-25-24
