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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Titlesort descending Filed Under Date
P3716-330 Pearl Census Profile (2010-2020) Economic Development 10-20-21
P2944-206 Pearl City Retail Sales Profile Economic Development 03-29-21
P3480-283 Pearl COVID 19 Sales Subject to Sales Tax Analysis Economic Development 03-30-21
P2945‐206 Pearl Retail Analysis Economic Development 03-29-21
P3716-331 Pearl River Census Profile (2010-2020) Economic Development 10-20-21
P3716-56 Pearl River County Census Profile (2010-2020) Economic Development 10-20-21
P3480-55 Pearl River County COVID 19 Sales Subject to Sales Tax Analysis Economic Development 03-30-21
P3389-56 Pearl River County Economic Contribution of Agricultural Sales Economic Development 03-29-22
P3267-56 Pearl River County Economic Well-being and Poverty Economic Development, Extension Center for Economic Education and Financial Literacy 03-30-21
P2943-56 Pearl River County Retail Profile Economic Development 03-29-21
P3377-56 Pearl River County Veterans Admin Profile Economic Development 06-06-24
P3716-332 Pearlington Census Profile (2010-2020) Economic Development 10-20-21
P3005 Pecan Bacterial Leaf Scorch Nuts, Plant Diseases, Fruit and Nut Diseases, Trees 06-09-22
P3763 Pecan Orchard Renovation Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Nuts, Trees 08-15-24
P3809 Pecan Production: Establishing an Orchard Nuts, Trees 09-07-22
P3966 Pecan Scab in the Home Landscape Fruit and Nut Diseases 03-18-24
P3716-333 Pelahatchie Census Profile (2010-2020) Economic Development 10-20-21
P2944-207 Pelahatchie City Retail Sales Profile Economic Development 03-29-21
P3480-284 Pelahatchie COVID 19 Sales Subject to Sales Tax Analysis Economic Development 03-30-21
P2945‐207 Pelahatchie Retail Analysis Economic Development 03-29-21
