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Publication Numbersort ascending Title Filed Under Date
P3776 Total Alkalinity Fisheries 01-02-25
P3775 Mississippi-Grown Evergreens in Winter Sympathy Designs for the Professional Florist Cut Flowers and Houseplants 06-21-22
P3774 Ten Steps to a Successful Mississippi 4-H Shooting Sports Program 4-H Shooting Sports 06-13-22
P3773 A Basis for Competition in Fishing Derbies Wildlife Youth Education, Fisheries 12-17-24
P3772 Publicizing and Promoting a Fishing Derby Fisheries 10-14-24
P3771 Facilities Required for a Fishing Derby Fisheries 10-22-24
P3770 Planning and Organizing a Fishing Derby Fisheries 10-14-24
P3769 What Is a Fishing Derby? Fisheries 12-17-24
P3767 Using Online Surveys to Collect Data for Farmers Markets Agricultural Economics 08-11-22
P3766 2021 MSU Extension On-Farm Cotton Variety Demonstration Program Agriculture, Cotton 05-17-22
P3765 Zinnias (Zinnia elegans) for the Farmer Florist Floral Design 05-23-22
P3764 Weed Identification: Morningglory Weed Control 10-04-24
P3763 Pecan Orchard Renovation Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Nuts, Trees 08-15-24
P3762 Agricultural Limestone's Neutralizing Value Soils, Soil Fertility 06-20-22
P3761 A Checklist of Disease Management Recommendations for Vegetable Production Plant Diseases 05-05-22
P3760 Successful Broiler Production Depends on a Sound Feeding Program Poultry 04-25-22
P3759 2022 MSU Grain Sorghum Hybrid Suggestions Agriculture, Grains 05-11-22
P3758 2018–22 Crop Input Expense Summary Agricultural Economics, Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Rice, Soybeans, Wheat 05-11-22
P3757 Evaluating Insecticide Efficacy Against Tarnished Plant Bugs in Cotton Cotton, Insects-Crop Pests, Pests 05-03-22
P3756 Impacts of Insect Growth Regulators on Tarnished Plant Bug Management Cotton, Insects-Crop Pests, Pests 05-03-22
