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Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P2525 Sport Fish Suppliers and Stocking Guidelines for Stocking Mississippi Ponds Fisheries, Pond and Lake Management, Stocking, Wildlife 12-04-23
P3938 Mississippi Certified Waterworks Operator Age and Tenure Report (2023) Community, Economic Development, Water 12-04-23
P3735-02 Macroalgae | Chara and Nitella spp. Water Weeds 12-01-23
P2603 Constructing an Archery Stand 4-H Shooting Sports 12-01-23
P3735-26 Juncus | Juncus spp. Water Weeds 11-30-23
P3735-00 Herbicide Application for Aquatic Plants Water Weeds 11-30-23
P3735-47 Watermeal | Wolffia spp. Water Weeds 11-30-23
P3735-46 Water Lettuce | Pistia stratiotes Water Weeds 11-30-23
P3735-45 Water Hyacinth | Pontederia crassipes Water Weeds 11-30-23
P3735-44 Salvinia | Salvinia spp. Water Weeds 11-30-23
P3735-43 Mosquito Fern | Azolla spp. Water Weeds 11-30-23
P3735-42 Duckweed | Lemna spp. Water Weeds 11-30-23
P3735-41 Water-willow | Justicia americana Water Weeds 11-30-23
P3735-40 Waterleaf | Hydrolea spp. Water Weeds 11-30-23
P3735-39 Water Taro | Colocasia esculenta Water Weeds 11-30-23
P3735-38 Water Shield | Brasenia schreberi Water Weeds 11-30-23
P3735-37 Water Primrose | Ludwigia spp. Water Weeds 11-30-23
P3263 Tailwater Recovery and On-Farm Storage Reservoir: Nutrient Runoff Mitigation and Reuse Potential Farming, Irrigation, Natural Resources, Environment, Water 11-30-23
P3735-36 Water Pennywort | Hydrocotye spp. Water Weeds 11-30-23
P3735-35 Water Lily | Nymphae spp. Water Weeds 11-29-23
