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Water Works with Extension From the Ground Up

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Publication Number: M2182
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The Mississippi State University Extension Service brings practical, research-based education to Mississippians who manage water issues, including water conservation, crop irrigation, water recreation, wastewater management, public water systems, and private wells.

Sustaining Mississippi’s Economy

RISER—Row-Crop Irrigation Science & Extension Research

RISER is a science-based approach to identifying, evaluating, and demonstrating irrigation best management practices. RISER assists producers in maintaining yields and profitability while reducing water use. For every $1 invested in RISER, Mississippi producers earn approximately $2.

RISER personnel conduct hands-on training and learning opportunities with producers; promote adoption of irrigation water management practices; and continue to offer assistance to producers who already use integrated water management practices.

REACH—Research & Education to Advance Conservation & Habitat

Producers working with Extension’s REACH program discover the benefits that adopting conservation practices can have for conserving water resources and improving water quality.

REACH combines research with outreach to help landowners document the environmental benefits of integrating water-conservation practices into production systems. The goal of REACH is to identify conservation practices that help farmers build resiliency and sustainability into their operations and maintain farm profitability.

Keeping our water safe

Mississippi Well-Owner Network

When Mississippi residents rely on household wells to meet their water needs, they can participate in the Mississippi Well-Owner Network.

Well owners discover how to maintain their private wells, and they learn about water quality, groundwater resources, and water treatment. Participants may have their water screened for total coliform and E. coli bacteria, too. This program equips well owners to monitor their wells and ensure that their water is safe.

short sleeve maroon shirt, standing in field with equipment and laptop

Agricultural Water Management and Waste Pesticide Disposal

Producers are learning and applying strategies that help conserve water and improve its quality, including using on-farm water storage systems and low-cost soil moisture sensors for better irrigation timing.

Extension offers waste pesticide disposal days so landowners can safely dispose of unneeded or expired agricultural pesticides, at no cost to them. This program ensures these waste products do not contaminate water resources.

Visit today to learn more about Extension’s continuing commitment to share reliable, research-based information about water quality, conservation, and irrigation.

Copyright 2020 by Mississippi State University. All rights reserved. This publication may be copied and distributed without alteration for nonprofit educational purposes provided that credit is given to the Mississippi State University Extension Service.

Produced by Agricultural Communications.

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Extension Service of Mississippi State University, cooperating with U.S. Department of Agriculture. Published in furtherance of Acts of Congress, May 8 and June 30, 1914. GARY B. JACKSON, Director

M2182 (07-20)

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Your Extension Experts

Portrait of Dr. Drew Miller Gholson
Asst Professor & Coord, NCAAR
Portrait of Dr. Mary L. Tagert
Associate Extension Professor

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