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Saving Gardening Dollars

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February 12, 2020

Gary Bachman: Let's face it, gardening can be really expensive. Here are some tips to save gardening dollars in the new year today on Southern Gardening.

Narrator: Southern Gardening with Gary Bachman is produced by the Mississippi State University extension service.

Gary Bachman: Ways to save money while gardening are really all around us. Many gardeners start vegetables from seed. Why not try flowering plants, also? As long as you are patient, that packet of seeds will reward you and you don't need a large propagation area. As long as you have enough room for a couple of flats, you can be in business. There are some plants that we tend to buy new each spring, but tender perennials like coleus can be brought in for the winter. Start cuttings from these plants for a jumpstart when the weather warms up and don't ignore plants grown from bulbs. Sure, there are the spring flowering varieties, but the summer bloomers can be just as reliable.

They will multiply each year and even if you have to dig up each fall, you will quickly have some to give away or use them to barter with the neighbor for some of their plants and always, always, always buy plants on sale. I bought five sickly, pretty much Picasso petunia plants last year, pruned them, fed them, and put them in a big container. Before I knew it, all the neighbors wanted to know where I bought such a gorgeous plant. All that required was a little patience. And patience can be a virtue in planting in the spring. Don't do the entire yard at once. Start with a plant and plant in stages and make adjustments along the way.

Landscaping on a budget can force you to be creative from restoring garage sale bargains to using egg cartons to start seedlings. We all have ideas. I'm horticulturist Gary Bachman for Southern Gardening.

Narrator: Southern Gardening with Gary Bachman is produced by the Mississippi State University extension service.

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