
Filed Under:
January 11, 2024

When you consider that violas tolerate winter weather and can thrive in both the landscape and containers, it is no wonder why they are considered a favorite bedding plant for Mississippi gardeners. Another name for violas is Johnny jump up, due to the fact that they are prolific seed producers and seem to pop up in random places in the garden. The Sorbet series is my favorite viola variety. The plants are about 4 to 6 inches tall and wide. When mass planted, they seem to cover the landscape with a floral blanket. Their colorful flowers displayed above the dark green foliage really show off. Viola Sorbet XP Deep Orange boast vibrant, bright orange blooms. You definitely can’t miss it in the landscape. Viola Sorbet XP Yellow Jump Up is my favorite with its purple top petals and yellow face with purple lines in the center of the flower. Another beauty, Viola Sorbet XP Delft Blue, has white faced petals outline in a blueish-purple color. Its yellow center is surrounded by a blotch of dark purple, making it a truly captivating flower. Violas may have smaller flowers than their cousin, the pansy, but they're probably even tougher and more tolerant of cold, winter weather. Violas are beautiful massed in landscape beds and containers, providing colorful flowers all the way to Easter. I am Eddie Smith, and I will see you next time on Southern Gardening.

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