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Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P3865 Perilla Mint (Perilla frutescens) Weed Control for Forages 12-12-24
P3255 Tips for Overseeding Annual Ryegrass or Small Grains into Perennial Warm-Season Pastures in the South Grasses 12-12-24
P4069 Environmental Enrichment for Dairy Cattle: Music Livestock, Dairy 12-11-24
P2471 2025 Insect Control Guide for Agronomic Crops Corn, Cotton, Grains, Insects-Crop Pests, Peanuts, Rice, Soybeans, Sweet Potatoes, Wheat, Forages 12-11-24
P3399 Ready Your Well for the Next Flood: Preparation, Evacuation, and Return Home Disaster Preparedness, Water Quality 12-10-24
P2895 Hay Quality and How It Affects Your Feeding Program Legumes, Livestock 12-10-24
P4065 Environmental Enrichment for Dairy Cattle: Hair Brushing Dairy 12-09-24
P2678 Urea-Based Fertilizers in Forage Production Forages, Fertilizers - Forages, Soil Fertility 12-09-24
P3609 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Cucumbers Food and Health, Nutrition 12-09-24
P3705 Azaleas for the Landscape Flower Gardens, Landscape and Garden Design 12-09-24
P4025 Non-native and Native Yard Trees of Mississippi Trees 12-09-24
P4018 Non-native and Native Shrubs of Mississippi Landscape and Garden Design, Diversity of Plants, Ornamental Plants 12-09-24
P4027 Identification and Control of Non-native Southeastern Forest Plants: Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) Invasive Plants 12-09-24
P3238 Soil Acidity, Phosphorus, and Potassium Nutrient Levels: Key to Forage Nutrient Management Planning Forages, Soil Fertility 12-05-24
P1182 Hatching Quality Chicks Poultry 12-05-24
M1917 Rural Medical & Science Scholars STEM – Science Technology Engineering and Math, Rural Health 12-04-24
P3398 Disinfecting a Water Well through Shock Chlorination Community, Disaster Response, Water Quality 12-04-24
P0850-25 2025 Mississippi Tide Tables Marine Resources 12-04-24
P2845 Forage Brassicas for Winter Grazing Systems Forages 12-04-24
P2562 Fertilizer Calculator for Pastures in Mississippi Excel Program (V.05) Instruction Sheet Fertilizers - Forages, Soils 12-04-24
