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IN THIS WEEK’S EPISODE: A look back at a “salt of the earth” story - a family business REVIVED! In our Southern Gardening segment, we're still in Brookhaven, Mississippi for a springtime display of COLOR. Also, a special treat—a look back in time through the eyes of former Farmweek anchor LEIGHTON SPANN. And in our final feature, the endangered species act has been a HOWLING success—maybe TOO much so!

IN THIS WEEK’S EPISODE: "They're basically trying to cram our industry back into the bottle!" Building on years of debate, both houses of Congress are asking questions about the meatpacking industry. Plus, some politicians are blazing mad—and lobbying hard for pay raises for federal firefighters. In our Southern Gardening segment, we're off to Brookhaven, Mississippi for some springtime color. And in our feature, an ear tag program with roots in the fight against the pandemic.

IN THIS WEEK’S EPISODE: The world economy gets a downgrade, ultimately because of the war in Ukraine. Plus, spring planting gets off to a slow start – you get three guesses at the reason why, but you'll only need one. In our Southern Gardening segment, speaking of spring, Gary says there's no better way to “get your color on” than this! And in our feature, can hogs help humans avoid the worst? Quite possibly!

IN THIS WEEK’S EPISODE: Ethanol gets a boost from the White House, making E-15 fuel available on tap for the summer. Plus, more weather extremes across the nation—from wildfires to blizzards, and everything in between. In our Southern Gardening segment, Gary says it's easier than you think to grow your containers! And in our feature, pain management for animals in the American food chain.

IN THIS WEEK’S EPISODE: An update on bird flu—still spreading across U.S. poultry farms. Plus, weather and water. A western snowpack that was six and half feet deep a few months ago—is down to almost nothing now! In our Southern Gardening segment, Gary Bachman has potted plants he says will make your heart flutter! And in our feature, an unusual partnership in Colorado puts ranchers on land AND students in classrooms.

IN THIS WEEK’S EPISODE: As possible food shortages loom, ag groups ask the USDA for flexibility with prime farmland in CRP, but Tom Vilsack says “no.” Plus… women in agriculture. They’re an increasing percentage of farm leadership. In our Southern Gardening segment, Gary Bachman writes the book on landscape management…LITERALLY! And in our feature, technology that can preserve pollen longer than ever before. THAT…opens up a world of possibilities!

IN THIS WEEK’S EPISODE: The Ukraine war is affecting spring planting. There ARE fears it could drive third world hunger. Plus… “Meeting the Lawmakers.” Reporter Jonah Holland reports on Legislative Day, a big event for 4-H youth. In our Southern Gardening segment, ever thought about doing a transplant? You don't need a medical license to do THIS one! And in our feature, an amazing story of tenacity -- through the eyes of an Iowa pig farmer.

IN THIS WEEK’S EPISODE: The price of fertilizer continues to rise, farmers are taking it on the chin—and global tension is the culprit. Plus, bird flu is still spreading around the country, the poultry industry is juggling demand in reaction. In Southern Gardening, things get a little shady! But there's a REASON (and there’s more to THAT story). And in our feature, the inside story of an ag powerhouse and how it handles medical marijuana.

IN THIS WEEK’S EPISODE: Remember panic buying? It's back! THIS time, COUNTRIES are hoarding the goods. Plus… fertilizer constantly on the radar. Russia hiked prices, then after the invasion, the U.S. took it off the market. Prices are sky high! Now the USDA says it's time for AMERICAN made. In Southern Gardening, a technicolor landscape!

IN THIS WEEK’S EPISODE: It’s not just a war of words. After the State of the Union, the Russia-Ukraine war continues, its impact mounting. Plus, with trouble from numerous directions, the American supply chain stretches even thinner. In the markets, grain is up bigtime! Zac Ashmore has insight on the reason why. And in our feature, two competing economies: Hemp versus Marijuana.
